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What's Included in BAM 2.0 ($4,000 Value):
  • Module 1: Dream It 
  • Module 2: Research It 
  • Module 3: Sell It 
  • Module 4: Nail It 
  • ​ Module 5: Scale It 
  • Fast Action Bonus #1: 1-on-1 Success Setup Call ($1,000 Value)
  • Fast Action Bonus #2: FB Support Group (Priceless)
  • ​Fast Action Bonus #3: Mastermind Highlight Reel (Value $1,000)
  • ​Fast Action Bonus #4: 9 Offer/Call Reviews (Value $3,497)
  • ​Fast Action Bonus #5: Tech Support Videos (Value $197)
  • ​Fast Action Bonus #6: Mastermind Application Funnel Template (Value $397)
  • ​Free Coaching Consultation & Future Credit ($2,997 + $1,997 Future Value)
Total Value = $14,585

YOU CAN'T FAIL Guarantee!

If you work the program and complete all the exercises and workbooks and don't for some reason get at least $25000 in contract during the first 60 days, submit proof to support[at] and we will give you a refund or store credit toward another program. You MUST show your work and the workbook completed in order to be eligible for a refund.

Secure Processing

Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.
What Others Have To Say About Working With The 
Build A Mastermind Program...
Hear from Chris on what he's experienced with the BAM program...
Cherilyn Jones
"Before I joined Brad's mastermind, I had been involved with other masterminds that were too large, unfocused, disorganized, and unsuccessful. 

Brad's impact, contribution, coaching, and ability to put together a phenomenal mastermind is solid. He keeps them organized, focused, and offers high-level coaching. Therefore, they run successfully. 

I've gained tremendous value and clarity through Brad’s mastermind, and I've received tons of support from him and the rest of the group. He has provided a vehicle to allow me to contribute my skills and talents and receive from those of others. He is brilliant and clever with his knowledge of solving problems and providing solutions. 

I highly recommend his expertise and especially his masterminds!"

"I’ve been in several masterminds, and in most of them, I felt like I had invested more than I had gained: time, money, love, my expertise, my connections. But that’s not so with the masterminds that Brad designed and leads! 

Brad’s mastermind is brilliant for three reasons : 

1. It attracts top-notch entrepreneurs who are willing to share their tricks of the trade and resources.

2. It is simply structured and high-speed, not wasting a breath.

3. I ALWAYS leave with a short list of implementable advice, action steps, and resources to connect with.

And this all happens in a sphere of love, integrity, and fun, which doesn’t hurt either. 

Thank you, Brad! You changed my life."

Sylvia Becker-Hill 
Stacey Segowski
"When I joined Brad’s mastermind, I was burnt out. My business felt like it was falling apart, and I didn’t have the energy to fix it. 

Going to his mastermind each week was my sanity saver. Not only did the mastermind help me cross off one big challenge each week in my business (and my life), but it helped me stay positive. 

Several months later, I’ve found ways to have a bigger impact with my business while cutting my workload in half. I feel great, and I have more energy to spend time with loved ones and for traveling! 

I’ve been a part of a lot of communities, and Brad’s mastermind is seriously world-class. It’s the perfect blend of focus, clarity, heart, and soul. "
"Brad’s mastermind has been one of the greatest investments for my business to date. 

Before his mastermind, I was in multiple masterminds; however, I felt underwhelmed with the level of support—being too generic or watered down, which meant lackluster results. 

Brad’s structure is so clear, dependable, and concise that you have predictable, positive results consistently. The business, emotional, and strategic guidance I’ve received has resulted in better sales, clear messaging, and overall clarity and confidence in my business (from micro next steps to the macro WHY, which pulls me through). 

Since I work with leaders and entrepreneurs to own their power and freedom, the clearer I am, the better THEIR results—so the ripple effect of masterminding with Brad continues to be enormous. 

For anyone looking to upgrade their mastermind or start a mastermind, I highly recommend Brad Hart so that they get true, lasting results with the intimacy, accuracy, and powerful dynamic his masterminds provide. Our community appreciates Brad and what he provides so much!"

Kylie McConnell
Daniel Edward Powell 
"Brad is authentic. In a world where everything is delivered online or by an app, Brad gives what every human is craving: real, supportive human connection."

"Before Brad’s mastermind, I was feeling isolated as I tried to get answers to my questions myself and occasionally from well-meaning, but not so supportive family members. 

It’s a breath of fresh air to participate in a mastermind with others who’ve had success with things I’m trying to do. And it’s extra nice to have a place where I contribute to others at the same time. It’s nice to have a non-judgmental and positive-minded place to go for constructive input. Thanks, Brad."
Tamra Bolte
Samantha Hoffman
" When I met Brad, I was working as an employee and was unsure of how to get to the next step in my life. I knew my end goal, but I didn't know what to do to get there. Through the mastermind group that Brad runs, he helped me obtain clarity on how to create the path to my end goal. 

Brad builds a supportive and constructive space with his masterminds, allowing for collaboration with an incredibly varied group of people. I have seen in my own experiences, and in the experiences of those attending the mastermind on a regular basis, the profound impact of Brad's work. 

The clarity, collaboration, and community I have gained since working with Brad are invaluable! "

" Brad is able to bring together a group of people, many of them strangers, and create a safe space to reflect, receive feedback, and gain clarity on your life's issues. 

I was amazed at how quickly he facilitates individuals coming together into a supportive group. The structure and pacing of the meeting gives the "hot seat" recipient valuable insights, and his quick presentations/feedback prevents overthinking by design. 

Brad lives and breathes masterminds. Bringing people together for authentic connection is sorely missing in our society, and it’s one of the basic human needs. 

Thank you, Brad, for your important work."

Vanessa Peters
"When I met Brad I was about a year out from the military. I was in the process of getting my business started and I was utterly by myself. My business was a legal entity and I had a couple of clients, yet I was stabbing in the dark at the other 75% of my business that I had no idea about. 

Once I got set up with Brad he began to teach me at a basic level the things he believed were key to successful business building. There was no assumption about my abilities and we built a relationship from the ground up. And even though he was the teacher I always felt like an equal. 

Once the mastermind got underway the real magic began to happen. I am being afforded 10 hours a month to work with whatever expert Brad has on his team. I have received so much 1 on 1 time about copy, systems, sales, and lead generation. That really just scratches the surface of what is available to me. 

When questioned how much time I have left for consulting, Brad openly says, “take what you need”.

He truly gives from a place of abundance. 

I have been able to double the asking price for my services. I am able to give way more of myself to my clients because all of my systems and backend are expertly supported by Brad and his team. 

This has truly increased my reach and my ability to truly help more people than I ever really thought possible. 

If I had not signed on with Brad I would still be stabbing around in the dark of solo-preneurship.

Since meeting I am on the cusp of publishing my first book, booked speaking gigs, and I have doubled my income. The more days that pass by working with Brad and his team are proving everyday that I haven’t even scratched the surface.  

It is quite possible that this is the one thing that could propel you and your potential to the next level. 

Do not hesitate to invest in yourself. You will not regret it."
"I first reached out to Brad Hart in early 2017 through Facebook messenger. I was really struggling to find people who could catalyze our Social Ventures (Nonprofits) to a level that I had been envisioning for years but not producing.

Brad setup a Zoom call with me for Free without hesitation. What I appreciated most about Brad was that he didn’t waste any time telling me exactly what I needed to hear. He made sure I understood specifically why he was suggesting I do things a certain way in the future and why what I was currently doing wasn’t working. Then he basically said, now go do this and don’t even think about reaching back out to me until you have done what I suggested, because you just admitted that it’s possible and you are confident that you can accomplish it.

Six months later, we had the pleasure of receiving a message from Frank Eric Cimrhanzel – and he offered to do a Breakthrough Strategy Session with us for Free because we had some amazing opportunities being presented to us. So of course, we agreed. 

After our call with Frank, our whole team looked at each other, totally blown away. We realized that we got more out of that one 30min call with Frank, that was FREE, than we'd gotten from over $30k in "coaching" and “programs” and "masterminds" during the previous year!!

Three months later – I asked Brad to join the advisory board for our Nonprofits. We celebrated, when after many weeks of Brad conducting his ‘due diligence’ to be sure it was a good fit, not just for us, but for him as well – He agreed.

Point is, we have accomplished more in the last 9 months as an organization, than what had been accomplished in the previous four years. I recently had a quick 10 min call on a Sunday morning with Brad, because I needed his advice. Not even a week later, we were launching yet another program in our business and the projections for the proceeds we will generate and the amount of people we will help is outrageous.

I bet you’re a bit like me, and you've paid for coaches, courses, programs and masterminds that promised the world, but delivered very little “results”. Leaving you feeling frustrated, helpless and lost. Or, if you're new to entrepreneurship, but don’t want to waste years of your life and tons of your hard-earned money on “stuff” that doesn’t work -- then do your future self a massive favor and reach out to the Make More Marbles team.

Brad has surrounded himself with the most capable, qualified and aligned group of people I have ever encountered.

Brad and his team will absolutely blow your mind with how efficiently they guide you to achieving your wildest dreams in record time.

Thank You Brad and everyone at Make More Marbles for all that y'all do for others.  "

Joely Robertson
"As a friend of Brad's for many years, I'd noticed that Brad increasingly became a source of inspiration, through his Make More Marbles blog posts and the things he shared on his facebook wall. Stories about connecting people, living life, and basically, being happier.

As a naturally introvert ‘accumulator’ type, I’ve always had difficulty opening up to others about my personal and professional challenges. 

I was inspired and motivated but I felt like I was going at everything alone. 

My life changed the day I decided join the Make More Marbles Mastermind. Since joining, I’ve had the opportunity to meet wonderful people from all over the world. The chats I've had with Stijn, Ryan, Brad, and many other members, as well as Brad Newman’s awesome story inspires me to think outside the box.

Brad is the kind of guy who just puts his heart out there (pun intended), and loves bringing people together.

After joining the MMM mastermind, I've found a group of friends who are all passionate about living life, getting ahead, and helping each other.  

The mastermind has opened me up to try different things and it's helped a lot. 

For example, I had a what would seem like a devastating blow where I lost 18 grand in Forex in September!  

Typically, I would have beaten myself up and been afraid to put anymore skin in my investment game.

Thankfully, I had my monthly mastermind call a few days later. After chatting with the everyone in the mastermind and Brad, I was able to blow it off easily and I'm already back on the horse. He’s got a way of helping people put things in perspective. 

Brad has inspired me to the point where now I’ve researched and got in contact with a local group in Australia with a new trading method after my last failure. Whilst that had nothing to do with Brad directly, getting on the masterminds helps me get out of my introvert side and thus reaps rewards.

The calls are so helpful because Brad “get’s it”. He ran a hedge fund, and can share insights and war stories that help me keep my ego in check. That’s why I don’t mind getting on the calls in the middle of the night, as I live on the other side of the world. In fact, I look forward to them, as I always come away with something valuable. 

The Mastermind's library of resources is a great place to go for tools and information for getting ahead, and living a happy fulfilled life. I look forward to the mastermind call each month, to bounce off new ideas to a fantastic group of people, and to help others with their journey as well.  

Brad and the mastermind has given me the courage to access the parts of myself I need in order to keep moving forward in my journey. 

I urge anyone who is looking to create wealth in multiple different streams to align yourself with Brad and the mastermind. Brad has a wealth of knowledge, experience, and inspiration to help anyone live in theirs dreams. Sometimes, it’s the intangibles that propel you the furthest, the fastest. You could never connect the dots looking forward, but when you look back, the little serendipities in life make all the difference. "

When I met Brad, I was living in a town that was slowly killing me inside.

I was at a crossroads with what I wanted to do with my life moving forward, and was spending 40 hours/week slinging lattes at Starbucks for pennies in comparison to what I knew I was worth.

Since the day I met Brad, he’s had a strong hand in quite literally reshaping the entire course of my life, and I truly do not believe I’d be where I am today had I not finally watched the Wealth Machine videos he did with John Romaniello (after leaving them to fester in my inbox for 6 months).

I find it amusing, and serendipitous that off the back of that video series (which for the record, little applied to me because I live in the Great Land of Canoodia) Brad and Roman have been the largest influencers in my life, and greatest mentors, ever. 

It’s a fucking honOUr-and-a-half to be able to call you both friends.

Brad, as I sit here writing, staring out at what’s the first of what will surely be many West Coast rains over the coming months, for the first time in my life, I’m excited to be around these parts for the winter months.

I showed you my glorious Stripe stats, comparing the first 16 days of September to August.

I told you that I’m soon to be paying in rent what I used to earn in an entire month at Uncle Bux.

I still can’t believe it. 

If you’d told me on the first fateful phone call we had, that within 2.5 years I’d have gone from being a supervisor at Starbucks, effectively “stuck” in my little hometown to being able to travel freely, having built what I most accurately describe as a consulting business (given the different tracks I run in) that's on track to the 6K mark this month (with 80-85% of that being MRR), I’d have laughed.

It seems like a dream. 

Especially since May, June, July, and August were a fucking struggle, with next-to-no movement forward in my business.

Once I can figure out how to more effectively streamline the different things I do, eliminate and outsource to free up time…this rocketship you pointed in the right direction is going to fucking launch.

Anyway, all this to say, I’m looking at this move to Vancouver as new beginnings (as I’m starting entirely from scratch over there), as well as bringing the push I need to jump up to the next echelon in my life.

To quote Kramer, it all “Levels, Jerry, levels.”

Personal things and stuff aside, I’m EXCITED about the direction we charted on the phone yesterday. As I said many times, you’ve had a huge impact on my life, and I know that together we can bring that impact to a whole lotta people, and shift the world.

When you said that you view me as a partner as opposed to worker…that meant a lot to me.

Truly, I know you don’t say things like that off-hand, and hearing that was deeply appreciated.

Serendipitously, I believe it was roughly a year ago when I sent you a similar rambling email about joining you on your Make More Marbles mission. 

I’ve gotta say, it’s damn cool to see what we’ve achieved in 365 days.

Better yet, on a personal level, the ripple effect to other people in my life has been impactful, and incredible.
The increase in my baseline happiness is entirely due to the fact that I’m able to spend much of my time working on projects that excite me. Simply put, I would never have realized this potential and opportunity had Brad not shown me the path.
I don’t care if you’ve been sitting on the fence for 6 months like I did, or 6 minutes. 
It’s time for you to step up, invest into your potential, and take a risk that will transform the entire landscape of your life.
If you don’t...I hope find someway to escape the traps of unfulfillment, untapped potential, and the gnawing feeling that you’re not doing what you want to do.

Before I met Brad, I was making $12 dollars per hour in the addiction services field. I was having a tremendous amount of fun, creating a lot of impact, however I was making an embarrassing amount of money.

I’ve followed Brad on Facebook and read his emails for the last two years, always so intrigued by his authenticity. 

I always wanted to be an entrepreneur because I believe it is the best way for me to create my own destiny.  

Being an entrepreneur allows me to express myself freely through my skills, to give back to my community on a massive level, and to have fun with whom ever I’de like.  

However, for years I was just a wanna-preneuer paralyzed by fear, succumbed by drug use, and wasting tens of thousands of dollars on online programs that taught me the “right” system to make money. 

I was personally introduced to Brad at his onsite mastermind, the day before Tony Robbin’s Unleash the

Power Within event in Newark, NJ July 2017. 

I knew IMMEDIATELY I was in the right place. 

Brad was presenting on wealth creation, collaboration, the entrepreneurial wealth cycle, and personal development.  

These were the topics of life I desired so deeply to understand but I had no understanding of. 

I knew I needed to know more.

The same day I met Brad Hart, I decided to join his Make More Marbles mastermind. I was feeling full of excitement and fear.  

Excited to be aligned with someone who can more clearly articulate the problems in my head better than I can. 

Fearful of investing money AGAIN into an opportunity.  

There was a tug a war going on inside of me.  

Is this the best financial decision for me?  

How am I going to afford this?  

What is my family going to say?  

Blah Blah Blah…...

If I live in my head, I’m dead.  

If I live in my heart, all is possible. 

The heart is the creative force of the universe. 

In my heart of hearts this is what I know: I’m willing to do ANYTHING, invest ANYTHING, be ANYTHING that will increase my quality of life, helps me grow, and allowed me to impact more people. So I signed on the dotted line for his Mastermind…

And as people say … the rest is history. 

In the 55 days since joining the Make More Marbles Mastermind and being aligned with Brad Hart’s mission, these are the physical things that have manifested in my life:

Celebrating 3 years clean from all mood and mind altering drugs.

I have been hired by Scott Oldford, who is a top influencer in the digital marketing/e-learning space.
The opportunity is virtual so I get to travel the world and work wherever I please. Which has always been a dream of mine.

I have 2 opportunities to move out west — to either Denver Co. or San Diego Ca. I’ve never lived anywhere else besides New Jersey!

I have tripled my personal income because of multiple opportunities being thrown (literally) my way. I’ve had to turn some down!

I am now crystal clear on WHO I AM and how I can contribute. I am supporter, a bridge builder, and a connector. My flow state is PEOPLE, not systems :). Now I build every wealth creation opportunity off of that knowing. 

Brad Hart has asked me to join the Make More Marbles team, which is an honor to be aligned with his mission.

Now I get help guide other entrepreneurs/solo-preneurs/intra-preneurs, like myself, to see, be, and act in the abundance of life.

I have a personal mentor who is teaching me the skill of high-ticket sales. He has 5 years of experience in 5 different niches and all he wants to do is give me his knowledge freely.

All in 55 days…


Not decades.

Not years. 

Not even all of Q3 2017.

All of these blessing have happened for me in LESS THAN 2 MONTHS! 

The ripple effect of being aligned with Brad and Make More Marbles is that every area of my life is firing on all cylinders. Physical body, emotional mastery, financial mastery, time, my career/mission, and my sense of contribution. All of these area have been accelerated, expanded, and deepened. 

This is the best way to describe Brad Hart: a vortex of energy that connects the highest quality ideas and people for the good of the human race. 
I have learned the highest form of honoring myself is to invest in myself; invest in myself with time and invest in myself with money.  
My willingness to invest in myself has always been there. The difference in investing with Brad is that I’m seeing a return on my investment quicker than I thought imaginable.  
It’s truly remarkable. 
The cost of not working with Brad is nothing more than a slower pace in business and in life. A struggle for resources. A constant fear of living in scarcity. A lack of connections. You’re the one who has to live with it. Not me :)
If you’re already willing to honor yourself, do it by aligning yourself with Brad. 
If you’re ready to accelerate your business and life, do it by aligning yourself with Brad.
If you’re ready to feel the fulfillment you’ve been longing for, do it by aligning yourself with Brad.  
Update: Brad has gone on to become a top salesperson for both Scott Oldford and Sam Ovens, where he routinely serves their high end clients enrolling them into their highest vision and personally generating $250k-$300k per month for the organization. He is currently launching a mastermind to help others achieve the same, and runs one of the most engaged FB groups I’ve ever seen in the realm of sales coaching for entrepreneurs
I met Brad for lunch at a small cafe in NYC one afternoon, just to catch up. 

After some chitchat, Brad asked the simple “So, how ARE you?” And if you know Brad you’ll know that the usual “Oh, fine.” never flies. 

Brad has this unique ability to pull out the big stuff. The real stuff. 

I began to express how stressed I was in my everyday life. The root of this stress fell on my financial concerns- my business was struggling. Although we had just met for lunch and to catch up, Brad heard me and, in the most genuine way, responded with,”I think I have a way to help.” 

It’s been 8 weeks with MMM. 

And I’m not exaggerating when I say my business has been more successful and grown more in the last 8 weeks than in the last 8 months. 

The strategic planning. Unlimited resources. The network. The personalized mentorship. These are a few ways that MMM has ensured my greatness. 

But it’s the unmatched support from this team and from the other members has given me to confidence boost I needed to take my business to the next level. 

They have not only helped me to set the bar high, but they have taken away every barrier and insecurity I might encounter, making success inevitable. 

Had I not followed through and joined MMM after my lunch with Brad, I would still have a “hobby” instead of a business. The stress I would feel burdened with would be crippling. The confidence I have because of this team and knowing they will not let me fail is unparalleled. 
If you’re fine where you’re at, if you’re comfortable with your business or your job, if you’re not interested in personal growth and building deep, meaningful relationships with people who will literally dance over your smallest victories- you need not apply. 

But should you be interested in doubling your rates, moving forward without fear of failure, or should you want to Make More Marbles, I encourage you to reach out to Brad and his team.
-Jason Booij
“For 2 years I wanted to start a mastermind. I saw all the influencers I followed on Social media hosting their masterminds and I wanted to create one also.

I started in 2018, I made a website, registered a domain, got email addresses, did all the things. when it came time to fill my mastermind, I didn't even know how to do it. Who was my audience? How was I going to do it? How do I invite guests... what questions do I ask... how much do I charge?

I was overcome with imposter syndrome and all the unknowns and thought "who am I to do this", "I know nothing"... I put my dreams on hold because I didn't have a plan. 

Fast forward 2 years, I found Brad online, did the free 30-day challenge and signed up for the BAM program. 

I signed up on April 28th, June 19th will be my first actual mastermind event. In less than 2 months in the program I have an amazing mastermind, that was filled in 2 weeks, with amazing speakers and guests and all the questions to ask. I feel confident and aligned with who I feel called to serve. 

The great thing about the program and working with Brad is that he has so much experience with building masterminds and so many years experience in business overall. If I ever got stuck or didn't know what the next step to take was or a potential client posed a challenge I didn't yet know how to deal with, I just asked Brad and he gave me the exact way to deal with it. 

The investment into the BAM course is a fraction for the value you'll get. I honestly expect to 10X or even 20X the investment in the first year using the systems and processes Brad teaches.”

--Jason Booij